Chip Groat, who was born in New York State, passed away on March 14th. Charles G. Groat held degrees from Rochester, U Mass Amherst, and UT Austin. He was associate professor and acting director of the Bureau of Economic Geology between 1968 and 1978. He was State Geologist of Louisiana from 1978-1990, in 1992, and 2017-2021. He was executive director for AGI (1990-1992), and executive director (1992–1995) for the LSU Center for Coastal, Energy, and Environmental Resources. In 1995 he moved to UT at El Paso. He was Director of the USGS from 1998 to 2005, and Campbell Medalist in 1998. In 2005, he returned to UT Austin as program and center director and Interim Dean. In 2012, he again moved to Louisiana to lead the Water Institute of the Gulf, and then from 2017-2021, he was acting Director of the Louisiana Geological Survey, before retiring from public service in 2021. He has been an AASG Honorary Member since 1993. He was AASG President in 1987–88. He will be missed.