The AASG passed the following resolution during its annual meeting last week:
Resolution Recognizing the National Park Service’s Cooperative Efforts on the Geology of our Nation’s Parks
WHEREAS, many of America’s most treasured National Parks were established on the basis of their geologic features, settings, and geologic resources; and
WHEREAS, geologic resources of the National Parks range from the world–renowned sculptured depths of Grand Canyon to the fossils of Dinosaur National Monument to modern sand dunes of Canaveral National Seashore, and geologic resources and the dynamic processes that affect them are inspiring to behold, form the foundation of park ecosystems, and are essential to understanding the natural world; and
WHEREAS, the Geologic Resources Division is a relatively new entity of the of the National Park Service; and
WHEREAS, the Geologic Resources Division has responsibilities for education, interpretation, research, public programs, geo-hazards, minerals, cave and karst resources, land restoration, paleontology, soils, abandoned mines and mineral lands, inventorying and monitoring, and other areas of critical importance to the operation, preservation, and enjoyment of the National Parks; and
WHEREAS, a thorough evaluation of the geologic resources within National Parks is needed for comprehensive management, interpretation, and understanding of park resources; and
WHEREAS, the Geologic Resources Division’s Geologic Resources Inventory is an exemplary cooperative program to provide crucial information to and about our National Parks; and
WHEREAS, the Geologic Resources Division leverages very limited financial and technical resources through truly collaborative and shared activities with external partners including State Geological Surveys, academic institutions, and professional societies resulting in complete scoping meetings in 250 NPS units, producing digital geologic maps for 176 NPS units, and with numerous park mapping projects in progress, resulting in final geologic reports now available for 76 parks:
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: the Association of American State Geologists, on this 30th day of June, 2010 in New Brunswick, New Jersey, recognizes the Geologic Resources Division for its highly effective and successful efforts to improve our understanding, preservation, and management of the geologic resources of the National Park Service; applauds the Geologic Resources Inventory program in particular as a model of federal-state-academia cooperation; and expresses its deep thanks to GRD geologists, and in particular Bruce Heise and Lindsey McClelland, for their leadership, vision, and unselfish dedication in producing this extensive inventory of scientific products and in building and maintaining these partnerships.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that this resolution will be delivered to the Secretary of Interior, chief of the NPS Geologic Resources Division, NPS Associate Director for Natural Resource Stewardship and Science, and the Director of the NPS.