Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rep. Hal Rogers (KY) to receive 2011 Pick and Gavel Award from AASG

AASG President Jim Cobb announced today that Congressman Hal Rogers of the Fifth Kentucky District is the AASG's 2011 "Pick and Gavel" honoree.

The Pick and Gavel Award honors those who have made significant contributions to advancing the role of geoscience in public policy and those who have supported AASG’s goals in national policy.

Rep. Rogers is in his 16th term and was recently appointed Chair of the House Appropriations Committee. He was formerly chair and ranking member of the Homeland Security Committee. His district is the Appalachian Basin part of Kentucky incorporating the East Kentucky Coal Field and the Big Sandy Gas Field, and is a large coal, natural gas, and oil producer. It is also a large part of Appalachia. Recently there has been a large increase in horizontal drilling for gas. Pike County which is in his district is one of the nation’s largest coal producing counties. He has been instrumental in cleaning up the environment of his district with grass roots movements like Kentucky PRIDE. He has also pushed for nontraditional development through the Southeast Kentucky Economic Development organization (SKED).

The 5th district includes great mineral industries, an abundance of Pennsylvanian bedrock, a multitude of natural arches, Pine Mountain, Cumberland Gap, Daniel Boone National Forest, great natural and environmental resources, and wild and scenic rivers.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Colorado Geological Survey seeks rare earths

The Colorado Geological Survey is playing a prominent role in that state's "new gold rush" for rare-earth metals. An extensive article in today's Denver Post examines the growing demands for rare earth minerals, China's dominance of the market, and exploration activities across the Western U.S. with an emphasis on Colorado. [right, CGS geologist Jim Burnell with x-ray fluorescence analyzer. Credit, Cyrus McCrimmon, Denver Post]

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Kansas Geological Survey experimenting with new technique for sequestering CO2

The Kansas Geological Survey, based at the University of Kansas, will use a $1.5 million award from the U.S. Department of Energy to test a technique that could cast light on the potential for sequestering carbon dioxide in the deep subsurface of south-central and southwestern Kansas.

The researchers will use a new tool, called volumetric curvature, to analyze data from seismic reflection, a technique commonly used in oil exploration to create images of underground rocks without the necessity of drilling.

If successful, the seismic data analysis tool would provide a cost-effective way to assess geologic CO2 storage capacity and lead to a better understanding of the underground movement of CO2 in the Arbuckle and other deep saline aquifers.

California's Earthquake Fault Zone Maps Online

The index map at right identifies all Official Maps of Earthquake Fault Zones delineated by the California Geological Survey through December 2010 under the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act . Individual Earthquake Fault Zone Maps can be viewed on screen. Digital image files (pdf) and Geographic Information System files (GIS) of individual maps can be downloaded by selecting a specific quadrangle map.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Oregon's “LiDAR Landscapes” Posters and 2011 Calendar

The Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) has released “LiDAR Landscapes”, a 2011 Calendar and series of wall posters of LiDAR images of the Oregon coast, which are attracting a lot of favorable attention.

To view and order posters, visit

To view and order the 2011 calendar, visit