The mission of the Department of Geology & Mineral Industries
is to provide earth science information and regulation to make Oregon safe and
prosperous. The Department has two programs: Geologic Survey & Services and
Mined Land Regulation & Reclamation, each managed by an Assistant Director.
This position resides as the lead of the Geologic Survey &
Services (GS&S) Program whose strategic goals are to acquire and organize
geologic information and data to inform the people of Oregon, to reduce risk,
damage and loss from natural hazards throughout the state of Oregon, to produce
earth science and natural hazard information and make it available for policy
decisions at an individual, local, regional and statewide level. The
program consists of 17 technical services and public education staff, 6
business office staff, and 14 earth science and engineering expert staff and
varying number of temporary technical staff. Current areas of policy
concern include geologic mapping for groundwater management, climate change
adaptation, renewable energy development, statewide lidar data acquisition and development
and geohazards mitigation including earthquakes and tsunamis, landslides,
flooding and coastal hazards. This program conducts complex, long-term
geoscientific investigations, supporting the primary Department mission and the
2009 – 2015 Strategic Plan.