On November 30, 2012, the State of Alaska and the University of Alaska
Fairbanks hosted their second annual Strategic & Critical Minerals Summit bringing together
government, university and private sector officials from around the
world to discuss the potential for strategic mineral exploration,
development and processing in Alaska. Speakers also discussed public
policy and regulatory issues pertaining to mineral development.
The following presentations are available from the sold-out event in
Fairbanks. A summary report will be published at a later date.
Dan Sullivan, Alaska Natural Resources Commissioner,
Update on the State of Alaska Strategic Minerals Initiative
U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski,
Bob Swenson, Alaska State Geologist and Director, Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys,
Alaska Strategic & Critical Minerals Potential and Assessment
Larry Meinert, Minerals Resources Program Director, U.S. Geological Survey Video
Curt Freeman, President, Avalon Development Corp.,
Strategic & Critical Metals in Alaska: A Mining Industry Perspective PDF
Ed Fogels, Deputy Commissioner, Alaska Department of Natural Resources,
Access to our Land and Resources PDF
Ethan Schutt, Senior Vice President, Land & Energy Development, CIRI, PDF
Matt Ganley, Vice President, Resources & External Affairs, Bering Straits Regional Corp., Mining Potential and Mineral Access in the Bering Strait Region
Lance Miller, Vice President, Natural Resources, NANA Regional Corp., Strategic Mineral Development is Critical for Sustainable Economies
Michael Silver, President and Chairman of the Board, American Elements, The Coming Global Resource Scarcity: America & Alaska's Role PDF
Dan McGroarty, President, American Resources Policy Network, Slideshow
Hiroyuki Katayama, Assistant General Manager, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals Corporation (Vancouver Office),
JOGMEC's Role in Securing the Supply of Critical Minerals PDF
Mark Myers, Vice Chancellor for Research, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Mineral and Mining Research at UAF PDF
Ken Collison, Chief Operating Officer, Ucore Rare Metals,
Bokan Mountain Heavy Rare Earths PDF
Mark Davis, Deputy Director, Infrastructure Development, Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority, AIDEA: Investing in Alaskans PDF
Tom Crafford, Director, DNR Office of Project Management & Permitting,
Large Mine Permitting in Alaska PDF
Mary Sattler, Manager, Community Development & Sustainability, Donlin Gold, PDF
[excerpted from the Commissioner's Office, Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources]
Icy Creations
2 months ago