The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG) at the University of Nevada, Reno seeks applicants for a tenure-track faculty position focused on hydrothermal mineral deposits. NBMG is a research and public service unit of the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) and the state geological survey. Managed as part of the Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering in
the College of Science at UNR, NBMG functions as an academic unit, and its principal scientists are tenure-track faculty members. Nevada is one of the most exciting regions in the world to do research in the geosciences and the best in the U.S. for the study of hydrothermal mineral deposits.
Interested applicants must have a doctorate in geology or a related geoscience field by the time
of hire and a demonstrated record of research on topics related to hydrothermal mineral deposits
as indicated by dissertation research or peer-reviewed publications. Excellent communication
skills, as demonstrated in written application materials; commitment to public service; potential
for, or established record of publications; and ability to attract funding are essential. Doctoral
research must include one or more of the following disciplines: economic geology, structural
geology, igneous petrology, and geochemistry.
Additional preferred qualifications include: 1) industrial or academic experience in hydrothermal
minerals deposits, particularly in field-based studies in a variety of geological settings; 2)
expertise in structural geology, geologic mapping, and active hydrothermal systems (geothermal
activity); 3) research productivity with publications in the peer-reviewed literature; 4) achievable
plans for funded research on Nevada-focused topics in economic geology and geothermal
energy, as described in the applicant’s letter of interest; and 5) both an understanding of and
interest in contributing to the role of a state geological survey on issues related to mineral
deposits and other resources, beyond basic scientific research.
Position responsibilities and expectations include: 1) working independently as well as
collaborating with NBMG faculty-staff, faculty in other geoscience units at UNR and UNLV,
and others in industry and government in developing funded projects and conducting research; 2)
contributing to the development of datasets and reports on Nevada’s mineral and energy
resources, including resource assessments; 3) communicating effectively with the public and
community leaders regarding the geology of Nevada and its mineral and energy resources; 4)
focusing research on mineral deposits in Nevada; and 5) supervising graduate students and
teaching undergraduate and graduate classes.
The position will be a tenure-track faculty appointment with an academic-year base salary that is
competitive with other research universities. Starting date will be July 1, 2014 or shortly
thereafter, depending on availability of the successful candidate.
To apply, please visit: https://www.unrsearch.com/postings/13967. Please complete the online
application and upload a letter expressing your interest in the position and research plans; a
complete vita; contact information (names, e-mail and postal addresses, and telephone numbers)
for at least three references; and electronic copies of up to three of your publications.
Additionally, applicants must submit examples of geologic mapping related to mineral deposits
that they have conducted with their application materials. To ensure full consideration, all
information must be submitted by March 24, 2014. For further information about NBMG, please
consult our website (http://www.nbmg.unr.edu).
Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action. Women and underrepresented groups are
encouraged to apply.