She has worked as a geologist at the Vermont Geological Survey
since in 1996 and her primary responsibility was completion of the 2011 Bedrock
Geologic Map of Vermont [right, photo by Brian Pfeiffer], a collaborative project of the Vermont Geological
Survey (Agency of Natural Resources), the US Geological Survey and the
University of Vermont. The work entailed field mapping of Vermont’s bedrock at
various scales, compiling and editing diverse data from more than 100
scientists to create a defensible map, creating cross-sections which show the
interpretation of geology at depth, and working with the USGS team to produce
the final cartographic product. The bedrock map incorporates 30 years of
mapping and highlights the present understanding of Vermont geology.
Ms. Gale has also worked on statewide groundwater, energy
(CO2 sequestration) and ecological studies, and has a broad perspective of
geology and natural resources in Vermont. She received a B.A. in Geology,
cum laude, from the University of NH in 1974 and an M.S. in Geology (1980) from
the University of Vermont. Her thesis, “Geology of the Belvidere Mountain
Complex, Eden and Lowell, Vermont”, involved bedrock mapping, structure,
metamorphic petrology and geochemistry. Experience prior to joining the
VGS includes SEM and XRD applied to core analyses, and education. She has been
an effective collaborator with state and national partners. Her experience
extends beyond science to the organizational processes and communications and
over the years she has been active in providing research and information to
support the myriad of services and science-based advice provided by the Vermont
Geological Survey.