, 2011, S-21 Bedrock Geologic Map of Minnesota. This map and associated digital map files supersede those provided as part of OFR-10_02.
blog of the Association of American State Geologists (AASG)
We have some of our folks who have severely damaged homes, but all are ok, physically. There are parts of Tuscaloosa that have been utterly devastated and whole neighborhoods have been wiped off the map. A major commercial area was destroyed, but downtown and the University are ok. We won’t know the total death toll for some time to come, but it’s bad. Many, many are homeless and have nothing left.
The publication will help both geologists and non-geologists better understand how the state’s mostly unseen geology affects, and is affected by, life on the surface.
More than 200 color photographs, maps, and drawings illustrate the text. Topics include
The retail price is $35.00, but the introductory price is $30.00 plus shipping and handling. Preview chapters at http://www.isgs.illinois.edu/maps-data-pub/publications/goi/contents.shtml
Copies may be ordered online (https://shop.inrs.illinois.edu/shop-isgs.html) or by calling the Information and Sales Office at 1-217-244-2414.
Geology of Illinois, D. R. Kolata and C. K. Nimz, editors, 2010. 530 + xiv pp.
ISBN: 978-0-615-41739-4
According to the division, the Washington Geology Library is the largest collection of material on Washington Geology in the world. The collection includes:
He is being castigated by representatives of environmental groups and is under close scrutiny by his employer, the State Education Department. He has become a target of attacks from activists opposed to the state pushing ahead with plans to allow natural gas to be extracted from deep shale recesses using a process called hydraulic fracturing.
The Education Department will not allow Smith to talk to reporters now. Besides muzzling him, the department, which oversees his New York State Museum geology unit, won't permit him to take calls. Instead, the department provided a reporter a copy of its internal protocol for handling media inquiries which says failure to check with the office of communications first would result in "appropriate administrative action."
(2) Hotels -- The Williamsburg Hospitality House is our conference hotel. It's located just across the street from the meeting venues. Hotel rooms are available at the conference rate of $91. Parking is free. The agreement is being signed this week; within a few days you'll be able to reserve a room by calling 1-800-932-9192 and requesting the group by name "DIgital Mapping" or "DMT". If you wish to extend your stay in the area, this rate will be available from two nights before the meeting through two additional nights after the meeting. The conference rate is available until May 1.
The Williamsburg Hospitality House
415 Richmond Road
Williamsburg, VA 23185
(757) 229-4020
Other hotels are not located within easy walking distance of the meeting venues. Because tourism is a major industry in Williamsburg, there are many choices in these general areas:
- to the north and west of the College, along Richmond Road and Bypass Road
- to the southeast of the College and Colonial Williamsburg, along Pocahontas Trail (Route 60) toward Busch Gardens
- the various hotels operated by Colonial Williamsburg (http://www.history.org/visit/hotels/index.cfm). These range from deluxe (Williamsburg Inn and Lodge) to more affordable but still very nice (Woodlands hotel and suites)