Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Jim Faulds presents AASG Presidential Awards

On June 30th, 2023, Jim Faulds, State Geologist of Nevada, completed a superbly successful year as AASG President. It is AASG tradition for the outgoing President to have the option to present AASG Presidential Awards, to recognize extraordinary service to the objectives of AASG by one or more active member(s) of the AASG community during recent time, or by friends of AASG over the long term. This year, Jim presented his Presidential Awards to State Geologist of Illinois Dick Berg, for his unrelenting service to AASG such as his role in supporting our advocacy in DC, to Warren Day of USGS for his superb service in leading Earth MRI and much more, and to Elizabeth Duffy for so reliably fulfilling her AASG duties as our person in DC. Nice work to all!

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