Monday, January 08, 2024

Carl J. Smith, State Geologist of West Virginia, 1944 – 2023

Carl James Smith, former State Geologist of West Virginia, passed away on December 29, 2023, at the age of 79. He was born on September 25, 1944, in Reading, Pennsylvania. Carl served 30 years in the U.S. Navy, achieving the rank of Commodore during Desert Storm. He served the State of West Virginia for over 30 years. He became State Geologist and Director of the West Virginia Geologic and Economic Survey from 2002 to 2005. He followed Larry Woodfork as State Geologist, and preceded Michael Hohn. He led the agency into the development of digital publications. During his time, the Survey became part of the Department of Commerce and began new studies in carbon sequestration and oil fields. Carl was a captivating storyteller and a source of joy to those around him. He was preceded in death by his late wife of 36 years, Trudy DiSabella Smith. He will be missed.

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